Chromatic bebop exercise for guitar

Chromatic Bebop Guitar Exercise - Barry Harris Concept

Lesson By George Dafnos

This video lesson focuses on a jazz concept created by Barry Harris called "The Chromatic Scale", which is to connect whole steps and half steps with chromaticisms. You will learn how to play the chromatic scale ascending and descending and also hear the related thirds, triads and seventh chords. This technique will be discussed more in details in a future blog article, meanwhile you can also watch Nathan Borton's video to learn more about the construction of this scale.

The best chromatic bebop exercise (with tabs)

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bebop licks bebop scale teacher spotlight barry harris


  • Kevin Wilkinson
    • 1. Kevin Wilkinson On 2022-07-21
    Can you please send me the price and delivery for guitar scales and chords posters ( 1 /ea).
    Thanks very much
    • jazz-guitar-licks
      • jazz-guitar-licksOn 2022-07-23
      You'll find these informations here Thanks Stef

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