126 Triad Chord Shapes For Guitar - PDF Method With Diagrams

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This printable handbook (19 pages - high resolution) available as a PDF contains 126 triad chord shapes for guitar teachers and students.

In this book you will learn how to play major, minor, diminished, augmented and suspended triads using different voicings and positions (close and open) on guitar.

Triads mastering is a necessary for learning more complexe jazz chords


1 printable PDF Method


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Guitar chords pdf method ebook

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Last edited: 2024-02-28


  • Thomas Borboa
    • 1. Thomas Borboa On 2021-09-18
    I have learned more in 2 days using your site than 6 months of other paid lessons and sites! Thank you!
    • jazz-guitar-licks
      • jazz-guitar-licksOn 2021-09-18
      Thanks for your support.
  • Caty Sommers
    • 2. Caty Sommers On 2021-04-14
    Hey Stef, Awesome website, thanks for sharing!! The PDF books are very useful too...xxx
    • jazz-guitar-licks
      • jazz-guitar-licksOn 2021-04-14
      Thank you very much ;)
  • Pat Wilson
    • 3. Pat Wilson On 2021-04-07
    This one is very helpful thanks, looking forward to the seventh chord shapes
    • jazz-guitar-licks
      • jazz-guitar-licksOn 2021-04-07
      Hey Pat thanks for the comment...a chord dictionary with seventh chords, ninth, altered, etc... is about to be published...stay tuned ;) Stef

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